This page lists all the Television shows covered on TV Timewarp. Click on a TV show title for more information on that series.

A |
A-Team, The |
Absolutely Fabulous |
Ace of Wands |
Adam Adamant Lives! |
Addams Family, The |
Adventure Game, The |
Adventurer, The |
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The |
After Henry |
Agony |
Agony Again |
Airwolf |
Alias Smith and Jones |
‘Allo ‘Allo |
Amazing Spider-Man, The |
Are You Being Served? |
As Time Goes By |
Automan |
Avengers, The |
B |
Babes In The Wood |
Bagpuss |
Baldy Man, The |
Banacek |
Bananaman |
Barbara |
Baron, The |
Belle and Sebastien |
Benson |
Bergerac |
Bewitched |
Big John, Little John |
Bigfoot and Wildboy |
Bionic Woman, The |
Birds Of A Feather |
BJ and the Bear |
Black Adder |
Blacke’s Magic |
Blake’s 7 |
Blue Thunder |
Bod |
Boon |
Bottle Boys |
Bottom |
Brendon Chase |
Brimstone |
Brittas Empire, The |
Brollys, The |
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century |
Bugs |
Bust |
C |
Cagney & Lacey |
Callan |
Cannon |
Captain Butler |
C.A.T.S. Eyes |
Catweazle |
Champions, The |
Chance in a Million |
The Changes |
Charlie’s Angels |
Children of Green Knowe, The |
Citizen Smith |
Clangers |
Clarence |
Cloppa Castle |
Colditz |
Colin’s Sandwich |
Columbo |
Come Back Mrs. Noah |
Common as Muck |
D |
Dad’s Army |
Daktari |
Danger Island |
Danger Man |
Danger Mouse |
Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines |
Dear John |
Dempsey and Makepeace |
Department S |
Desmond’s |
Dick Turpin |
Dino-Riders |
Doctor in the House (1969) |
Doctor On the Go |
Doctor Who |
Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds |
Don’t Drink the Water |
Doogie Howser, M.D. |
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman |
Dramarama |
Duck Patrol |
DuckTales |
Dukes Of Hazzard, The |
E |
Ellery Queen |
Enid Blyton’s Famous Five (1978) |
Equalizer, The |
Ever Decreasing Circles |
Executive Stress |
F |
Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin |
Fall Guy, The |
Fantasy Island (1977) |
Father, Dear Father |
Fawlty Towers |
Fingerbobs |
Fireball XL5 |
Flash, The |
The Flashing Blade |
Flipper (1964) |
Footballers’ Wives |
For The Love Of Ada |
Forgotten Toys, The |
Fresh Fields |
Full House |
G |
Gaffer, The |
Gemini Man |
George & Mildred |
Get Some In! |
The Ghosts of Motley Hall |
Good Life, The |
Goodnight Sweetheart |
Green Hornet, The |
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The |
Growing Pains of P.C. Penrose, The |
H |
Hallelujah! |
Hardcastle and McCormick |
Harry O |
Hart To Hart |
Hawaii Five-O |
Head of the Class |
Here Come the Double Deckers |
Highwayman, The |
Home James! |
Home to Roost |
Huckleberry Finn and His Friends |
Hunter |
I |
In Loving Memory |
In Sickness & In Health |
Incredible Hulk, The |
Into the Labyrinth |
Invisible Man, The (1975) |
Ironside |
Is It Legal? |
It Ain’t Half Hot Mum |
The Invaders |
J |
Jamie and the Magic Torch |
Jason King |
Jeeves and Wooster |
Joe 90 |
Jonathan Creek |
Jossy’s Giants |
Just Good Friends |
K |
Keeping Mum |
Knight Rider |
Kolchak: The Night Stalker |
Kung Fu |
L |
Land Of The Giants |
The Larkins |
Logan’s Run |
Lost In Space |
Lost Islands, The |
M |
MacGyver |
Magician, The |
Man in a Suitcase |
Man About the House |
Man From Atlantis, The |
Man From U.N.C.L.E., The |
Manimal |
Marblehead Manor |
Matt Houston |
McMillan and Wife |
Me & My Girl |
Men Behaving Badly |
Men of the World |
Metal Mickey |
Midnight Caller |
Mind Your Language |
Miss Marple, Agatha Christie’s |
Mission: Impossible (1966) |
Mission: Impossible (1988) |
Monkey |
Mr Benn |
The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries |
Mrs. Columbo |
Mulberry |
Mysterious Cities of Gold, The |
N |
Never the Twain |
New Avengers, The |
New Shmoo, The |
Next of Kin |
NightMan |
No Job For A Lady |
No Place Like Home |
Noah’s Island |
Not On Your Nellie |
O |
Oakie Doke |
Oh, Doctor Beeching! |
Oh No, It’s Selwyn Froggitt |
Only Fools and Horses |
Only When I Laugh |
Open All Hours |
Orm and Cheep |
Ox Tales |
P |
Pardon The Expression |
Persuaders!, The |
Petrocelli |
Penny Crayon |
Perfect Scoundrels |
Pigeon Street |
Poddington Peas, The |
Poirot, Agatha Christie’s |
Poldark |
Police Woman |
Porridge |
Postman Pat |
Prisoner, The Blu-ray |
Protectors, The |
Q |
Quantum Leap |
R |
Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) |
Red Hand Gang, The |
Red Dwarf |
Reilly: Ace of Spies |
Remington Steele |
Return of the Saint |
Rising Damp |
River, The |
Roberts Robots |
Robin’s Nest |
Rockford Files, The |
Roobarb |
Rosie |
S |
Saint, The |
Secret Army |
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 |
Secret Service, The |
Shazzan |
Shelley |
Shoestring |
Singing Ringing Tree, The |
Six Million Dollar Man, The |
Smurfs |
So Haunt Me |
Sorry! |
Space: 1999 |
Space Precinct |
Star Trek |
Star Trek: The Animated Series |
Stargate SG-1 |
Starsky & Hutch |
Stay Lucky |
Steptoe and Son |
Stingray |
Street Hawk |
Supergran |
Surgical Spirit |
Survivors |
T |
Tales of the Gold Monkey |
Tales of the Unexpected |
Tarzan (1966) |
Team Knight Rider |
That’s My Boy |
Thin Blue Line, The |
Three Up, Two Down |
Thundarr the Barbarian |
Thunderbirds |
Thundercats |
Time Tunnel, The |
T.J. Hooker |
To The Manor Born |
Toucan ‘Tecs |
Trap Door, The |
Travelling Man |
Two in Clover |
The Two Of Us |
Two’s Company |
U |
Up the Elephant and Round the Castle |
Up The Garden Path |
Upper Hand, The |
V |
Valley of the Dinosaurs |
Van Der Valk |
Vicar of Dibley, The |
Virtual Murder |
W |
Wacky Races |
Watching |
White Horses, The |
Whiz Kids |
William’s Wish Wellingtons |
Wonder Woman |
World of Wooster, The |
X |
X-Files, The |
Y |
Yes Minister |
Yes, Prime Minister |
You Rang, M’Lord? |
Young Ones, The |
You’re Only Young Twice |
Yus, My Dear |
Z |
Zorro (1997) [Animated Series] |